Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 4

Okay, today's the day we begin our blogging accounts. You will all follow the instructions from I handed out in week 2 (click the link and follow on your screen if you don't have your copy). We've already explored blogs, so begin at the "Creating Your Own Blog section".

Everyone will work on this task at their own pace. Once your account has been created, it's time to start thinking about content. What is it you will write about on your blog? I've collected some links that will help you get ideas flowing. Take some time and read them over.

101 Posting Ideas to make your blog sizzle

100 Topics I hope your write about

Blogging Inspiration

Alright, I admit, some of those ideas are pretty geeky. But hopefully it got you thinking about what you can do yourself.

By the end of the class I'd like everyone to have 3 blog theme ideas. They can be as general or as specific as you like. Here's my list:

  • Quotes overheard on the Montréal Metro
  • Photos of my bike in progess
  • Records I found at the Salvation Army

As you see, these topics relate to my interests. They can be frequently updated with new content and don't even require all that much time outside of what I do anyway.

Are you still stuck? Yeah, so we all go through writer's block sometimes. Check out this list of the world most popular blogs...

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